Today I’m going to be going over the 5 Most Overpowered Ultimates in Valorant. When it comes to something being overpowered, everyone has their own definition of what constitutes OP. According to your elo, different ultimates can be powerful depending on the rank you’re at. Because of this, I wanted to make it clear that the ultimates on this list are based solely on my own opinion.
Let’s first see some Honorable Mentions then we will go to the top 5 ultimates.
1. Breach’s Rolling Thunder
This ultimate is amazing, capable of stun-stunning an entire opposition team and converting them into easy kills. Because the space is so large and difficult to miss, it’s great for site takes. Rolling Thunder is a well-deserved honourable mention because it usually signifies you’re going to die.
2. Sage’s Resurrect
This ult is insanely powerful, effectively turning your team into a 5v6 for the duration of the round, and I’ve seen so many Sages use it in critical situations. The ultimate, on the other hand, has a handful of flaws, which is why it doesn’t quite make the top 5. For one thing, it provides information to the opposition team, letting them know where you are depending on the body you rez. It also forces you to hold the body because your colleague is a sitting duck while being brought back from the dead for a few seconds. Having said that, the ultimate is still a good contender and deserving of a mention.
3. Astra’s Cosmic Divide
Astra’s Cosmic Divide is the third and final honourable mention. Which is excellent for assisting your team in gaining access to a site by obstructing particular choke points in the same way that smoke does. However, unlike conventional smoke, adversaries cannot shoot through it, therefore you will not be harmed if you are accidentally sprayed through the wall. It’s also very effective in stopping the enemy team from pushing. Nothing is more difficult for a defensive team than retaking a site through an Astra wall. Cosmic Divide is also great for faking a site execute because it muffles noise and makes it difficult for the enemy team to see what’s going on on the other side.
With that being said, that’s all I have to say when it comes to the honorable mentions so let’s get into the main list.
1. Jett’s Bladestorm
Is this one truly unexpected? This ultimate is essentially a free rifle, with the exception that it possesses perfect accuracy while sprinting, jumping, and flying through the air.
Jett’s knives are excellent for maintaining a team’s economy because they may be used on save rounds when the team’s economy is suffering. And believe me when I say that Jett knives are the ultimate at winning eco rounds that you have no business winning.
Furthermore, if you have enough credits to full purchase but one of your teammates does not, you can buy one of them a rifle and then use your knives to boost your team’s full buy rounds.
Finally, this ultimate is excellent for assisting Jett in saving up credits to purchase an Operator while also ensuring that you have a weapon in rounds where your team is fully purchasing. Bladestorm is still a very powerful ultimate that deserves to be included on this list.
2. Sova’s Hunters Fury
Few things are as terrifying as being tagged by a Sova drone and then hearing that voice line. If a Sova is good enough, they can almost always ensure at least one kill before the round even begins.
It’s also not uncommon for a Sova ultimate to get two or even three kills. It’s not only helpful for obtaining your team a solid opening pick, but it can also be employed after your team has dropped the bomb on the other team to prevent them from defusing it.
So, what happens when you aren’t attacking? On defence, you can ult common plant areas to compel the enemy team to dodge it, take a lot of damage, or even die. It’s also not as if you had to use it on the bomb. You can also simply blind ult widely used places on a site while your squad works to clear angles and put the site’s enemies in an awkward position.
Hunter’s Fury is one of my favourite abilities because it can be used at almost any tier in the game. Saving your ult for the bomb is usually enough to win rounds if you’re a lower level or don’t know what you’re doing. However, when you get better at the game, you’ll see that the ultimate can gain so much more worth as you go.
3. Killjoy’s Lockdown
Now, there’s something else I’d like to say regarding Killjoy’s ultimate that I believe is vital to discuss. That is to say, this ultimate has several solid countermeasures. Sova’s Hunter’s Fury, Brimstones’ ult, and even shock darts and mollies are just a few examples. However, this does not affect the fact that the Lockdown is quite effective.
The fact is that putting it down causes the opposing team to respond. You can also get past a lot of the counters if you maintain track of the enemy team’s available ultimates.
This ultimate is incredible for clearing a site, whether you’re assaulting or defending. Forcing the opposition team to either clear the site, force you to try to break the lockdown, or just hold you on site and kill you.
There are a few maps where this ult is completely broken. On Fracture, for example, ulting from the tunnel can clear out the site and push the opposition team all the way back to their spawn unless they have one of the few countermeasures for it. It’s considerably stronger on Ascent, where it’s present on both sites. Either when it’s placed in a tree to compel all of the enemies into wine, or when it’s placed in a tree to force all of the enemy into wine. Or on B, directly next to the switch, trapping all foes in the area. So, when it comes to overpowered ultimates, Killjoys Lockdown is undoubtedly on the list.
4. Viper’s Pit
With Viper being so popular in the meta, I’m sure pretty much all of us have had to push through this monstrosity at least once. When attacking, if you see Viper’s pit you normally book it to the other site soon once because you know that pushing through it is a deadly trap.
On defence, if the opponent team gets the bomb down and then uses the ult it’s usually a fantastic hint to consider about conserving. Unless you have something like a Sova drone that tags her or you just get lucky and spray her through the smoke, trying to just blindly stroll through the ultimate is fatal.
It’s one of the best post plant tools in the game for clutching rounds and I’ve seen Vipers win 1v3s with it more times than I can count.
5. KAY/O NULL/cmd
Kay/O’s Null/Cmd is one of the strongest ultimates in the game right now. I don’t know if it was the buffs he received recently or what but you shouldn’t take this ultimate lightly.
There is pretty much no better ultimate for getting your team onto a site than this one. Turning off all of the enemies abilities means that you can’t really slow down a push lead by a Kay/O’s ult and if you’re playing on site you’re pretty much screwed.
Also, Kay/O is probably going to be the entry for his team so if you do kill him and get traded immediately after, then the enemy team can just resurrect him and it’s like you didn’t even get a kill at all.
And now since the changes where Kay/O’s ult still continues while he’s downed, your abilities are guaranteed to be turned off for the entire duration of the ult, regardless of if you were able to take him out or not.
I will say that this ultimate does require a little more teamwork compared to some other ones. Since it does require your team to push in with you and take control of the site so that they’re able to rez you. But when the teamwork is there, Null/Cmd is a very deadly ultimate.