The personality traits of a Capricorn are complex and combine to make a formidable individual. Uninterested in emotions, Capricorns can be difficult to befriend, but once you have them in your corner, you can’t ask for a better ally. If you want to connect with the Capricorns in your life, here’s what you need to know.
Ambitious, Persistent, Realistic & Sensitive
Capricorns are sometimes described as part cold fish, part social-climbing goat, and that’s pretty accurate. However, like the iceberg that sunk the Titanic, these earth-bound signs have great depths, and you ignore them at your peril.
Disciplined Beyond Belief
If they think there’s a benefit to it, Capricorns will start a staring contest with a statue — and win. This earth sign understands that good things come to those who wait. Their diligence may be maddening to more spontaneous signs, but it means they’ll reap the benefits others were too impatient to earn.
Surprisingly Thin-Skinned
Underneath that grim exterior is an insecure child worried about rejection. Capricorns are overly critical of others, but they’re even harder on themselves. As a result, they rarely show their inner self, which is more vulnerable than other zodiac members. If Capricorns reveal their worries, it’s a sign you’ve earned their trust.
Down-to-Earth Planners
Capricorns like to be in charge, leading to conflicts with other signs that prefer control. However, if you’re the laid-back type, you can put planning into Capricorns’ capable hands and never hear them complain. Friends and family of this earth sign can count on their favorite Capricorn for the following:
- Never forget birthdays and other special occasions
- Plan vacations, complete with fun activities
- Carry emergency snacks, first-aid and anything else you could possibly need
The Greatest Partners To Have in Your Life
Based on the Capricorn traits described above, you may assume this zodiac sign is difficult to love. While the road to intimacy is complicated for Capricorns, they’re quick to determine whether they’re in for the long haul. And once Capricorns decide you’re the one they want, they won’t stop courting until you feel the same.
Intentional Dating
Since they always have their eye on the future, Capricorns only commit to endeavors they think will last. This attitude also applies to dating. There’s no such thing as casual courting for Capricorns — you’re either an item, or you’re nothing.
Original Ride-or-Die
Dating Capricorns can be confusing since this sign rarely shows affection, even when it genuinely loves someone. However, even if they don’t show their devotion outwardly, Capricorns are loyal to a fault. When you need them, they’ll be there to carry you.
Studious Lovers
Does that cold exterior extend to the bedroom? While Capricorns aren’t prone to fits of passion, they’re fastidious and go to great lengths to please their partners. Your Capricorn lover will spend hours learning what makes you tick, then put that study to amorous use.
You can learn more about your compatibility with Capricorns with accurate psychic readings online. Mediums specializing in astrology can read the stars and help you build a future with your beloved earth sign partner.